All Umpire Fees are now included in the Tournament Fee. NO more Pay at the Plate! Reduced Camper and Stay to Play Requirements!

D-BAT Fall Series #bestofthewest

Teams Registered for this Event
 USA Explosion - Spokane 14U Brittain
 USA Explosion - Spokane 14U Saldana
 Washington Angels 14U Davis
 Washington Angels 14U Premier Benson
 Washington Ladyhawks - Keller
 Firecrackers 16U - Lingle
 Spokane Expos
 USA Explosion - Spokane 16U
 USA Explosion - Walla Walla Rebhahn
 USA Explosion Yakima 16U
 Washington Angels 16U Futures Andrews
 Washington Angels 16U Premier Benson/Jager
 E1 Prospects NW
 Lady Rangers
 Maniacs - Garcia
 NW Elite Garza
 USA Explosion - Spokane 16U/18U Regional
 USA Explosion - Spokane 18U Dressler
 USA Explosion Yakima 18U
 Washington Angels 18U Futures Hiner
 Washington Angels 18U Premier Benson/Sitsler